
All Things Lawful and Honest

“All Things Lawful and Honest” seeks to make informed, reasoned, and theological comment on the present state of the Church of England as we navigate a way through the Covid 19 crisis and beyond.

It can be assumed that the content of the blog is the output of ‘The Editors’ unless otherwise specified.

Set God’s People Free

Charlotte Gauthier highlights the crucial role that parish churches play in forming communities that transcend the usual social boundaries of age, class, education, and nationality, and argues that a focus on organic, parish-based growth will create flourishing communities. Scene: the pub just opposite the churchyard, Sunday afternoon. Twelve people aged between 23 and 88 sit…

Power Grab or Pastoral Measure?

Fr Christopher Johnson asks important questions about proposed changes to the Mission and Pastoral Measure. He questions why so much power is being placed in the hands of diocesan machineries, and whether it is right that ‘dioceses’ themselves are driving this change. We have had over a year now of the Church of England making…

Limiting Factors? Or Limited Ecclesiology?

Philip Murray considers the context and reception of the “limiting factors” debacle, and asks what this reveals about the current state of Anglican ecclesiology and dialogue. Only those who’ve made the wise decision to avoid Twitter and Facebook will have missed the latest argument about the Church of England that blew up over the weekend.…

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